The movie begins with a mythological prologue narrating the tale of Evangelion Crowley, a powerful sorcerer who disappeared centuries ago after a great battle with dark forces. 

In the present day, our protagonist, a young wizard named Alaric, learns of an ancient prophecy that foretells the return of Evangelion Crowley and the balance of magic being at stake. 

Alaric sets out on a quest to find allies to aid him in the hunt for Evangelion Crowley. Along the way, he meets a diverse group of characters including a skilled warrior, a wise old sage, and a rogue magic user. 

To reach Evangelion Crowley's hidden stronghold, the group must overcome twelve magical trials scattered across the realm. Each trial tests their abilities and strengths, bringing them closer together as a team. 

As they progress through the trials, secrets are revealed, and allegiances are tested. They uncover the true nature of Evangelion Crowley's intentions and the forces that seek to manipulate magic for their own gain. 

Alaric and his allies finally reach Evangelion Crowley's lair, only to discover a shocking twist about his identity and the reason for his disappearance centuries ago. A climactic battle ensues, blending epic magic, swordplay, and cunning strategies. 

With Evangelion Crowley defeated and the balance of magic restored, Alaric and his allies return home as heroes. However, they realize that their journey was just the beginning of a new era of challenges and adventures. 

This speculative outline combines elements of classic fantasy tropes such as prophecies, quests, magical trials, and epic battles. 

The title and premise leave room for imaginative storytelling, character development, and world-building, making it a potentially exciting and engaging movie concept for fans of fantasy and adventure genres. 

"The Wizard Hunter: The Hunt for Evangelion Crowley" is a fictional movie title that suggests a fantasy or supernatural adventure story. 

The title seems to blend elements of magic, wizardry, and perhaps a quest or hunt for a character named Evangelion Crowley.