Untitled Deadpool Telefilem Full Movie Download HD Video, Pencuri Movie Untitled Deadpool Movie Live 2023 Malaysia Online Terkini Video By Layanjer & Layanon9 Untitled Deadpool Malaysia Live Free.
Release date: In theaters July 26
Director: Shawn Levy
Cast: Ryan Reynolds, Hugh Jackman, Jennifer Garner
Thanks mostly to strike delays but probably also to the shakiness of their 2023, the Marvel Cinematic Universe currently has just one theatrical release on the calendar for 2024: a third movie in the Deadpool series that originated within Fox’s old X-Men movies before the studio was bought by Disney. You know who might point out the unexpected incongruity of this event? Why, Deadpool himself! Provided he can tear himself away from making jokes at the expense of other Ryan Reynolds movies. Rumor has it that the long-delayed third installment will fold its Fox X-Men roots into the MCU’s multiverse; at the very least, Hugh Jackman is back in action as Wolverine, presumably for a bit of dessert after the more dramatic farewell of Logan.